1. Raw Fruits & Vegetables
You'll not only maintain your weight much easier if you eat more RAW fruits & veggies but you'll also lose weight much faster on a weight loss plan eating more RAW fruits & veggies and here's another quick fact...
Your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a meal that's mostly fruits & vegetables than if you ate a meal without any fruits or vegetables plus...
Fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C like Oranges, lemons, pineapples, grapefruit, apples, limes, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrot, and watermelon liquefy (or burn off) body fat so the fat can be easily flushed out of your body and you need to eat RAW fruits & vegetables because...
Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.
2. OatmealOatmeal is loaded with fiber that decreases your appetite by making you feel full so you can go for long periods of time without eating while keeping your energy levels high at the same time and...
If you eat oatmeal about 1-to-2 hours before doing your weight loss workout... Oatmeal will give you a longer lasting blast of energy that helps you workout longer & more intensely which helps you lose weight much faster and...
It's better to eat steel-cut oats, plain or natural oatmeal & not the flavored oatmeal packets that contain lots of sugar.
Researchers at Loughborough University found that when athletes ate complex carbs (like oatmeal ) for breakfast & lunch... They burned much more fat off during the day than those who ate simple carbs or bad weight loss foods plus...The researchers also found out that the athletes burned more fat while working out and were able to workout longer when eating complex carbs like oatmeal.
3. Dairy products
Dairy products or foods high in calcium like Low-fat yogurt, cheese, & milk breakdown fat cells faster and in a recent study...
People who ate low-fat dairy products 3-to-4 times a day lost 70% more fat than people on a low-dairy diet and scientist also believe that foods high in calcium suppress calcitriol, a hormone responsible for making fat cells bigger and dairy products also contain high quality proteins that help suppress appetite.
4. Any kind of raw nutsEat any kind of nuts for fiber to ward off hunger and to also get a good dose of protein & healthy Omega-3s fats to help you burn fat faster & produce more testosterone but... Make sure you eat raw & organic nuts instead of roasted & salted to get the full weight loss benefits.
5. ApplesEat apples so the pectin found in apples can prevent your body from absorbing too much fat and... The pectin from apples causes your body to release fat and...
Pectin is also a strong appetite suppressant that keeps you satisfied for long periods of time causing you not to overeat so you won't gain weight and in a study done in Brazil...
People who had 1 whole apple before each meal lost 33% more weight than a group of people who didn't eat apples.
6. Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium and selenium is needed by your body to make thyroid hormones that are responsible for keeping your metabolism high.
7. FishEat more fish like Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines to make your body more sensitive to a fat-burning hormone called Leptin (Leptin means "thin" in Greek).
Leptin suppresses your appetite and Leptin determines whether you store the calories you eat as fat or if you burn the calories you eat for energy.
8. SpicesAdd spices to your foods like hot peppers, cayenne peppers, cinnamon , garlic, and hot mustard to increase your fat burning metabolism by 8-to-20% for up to 3 hours after eating spicy foods and...
Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers can increase your fat-burning metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to meals and... In a British Study - spicy mustard made people burn an extra 45-to-75 calories over 3 hours and...
Garlic is a strong diuretic that can help you flush out excess water weight plus... Spicy foods can reduce your appetite by increasing your body's norepinephrine and epinephrine levels and...
Gingerol (the active ingredient in ginger) increases growth hormone production which increases the amount of fat released from your fat stores to be burned as fuel.
9. Organic BeefOrganic Beef contains lots of CLA (or conjugated linoleic acid) which is basically a healthy fat that helps you burn fat and...
According to The International Journal of Obesity... People who took CLA lost belly fat by reducing their waistlines by 1.2 inches without making any diet or lifestyle changes.
10. Resistant starchResistant starch is just another kind of dietary fiber but According to a study done at the University of Colorado...
You'll burn 20-to-30% more fat by including more foods loaded with resistant starch like navy beans, Bananas, Potatoes, Lentils, Oatmeal & Wholegrain breads in your meals and...
Resistant starch also prevents your body from storing too much fat and like other types of dietary fiber... Resistant starch also makes you feel fuller longer so you'll never gain weight (and only lose weight).
11. Avocados
Avocados contain a sugar called mannoheptulose that helps lower insulin levels to prevent you from storing fat (or gaining weight).
Hey Stephanie... Im 20 Years Old and My Husband Is A Boxer And I Know How Much It means For Athletes To Be In Great Shape.... I Understand You Dont Want To Take Any Supplements But Its Good if You Do Since You Do Need To Keep Up With All The Exercise You Do.... There Are Supplements That Can Help You loose gain or maintain your weight, boost your metabolism, with all the vitamins and minerals a body needs 114 to be exact.. i can help you get all this in three easy steps let me know if your interested
Olimpia submitted this comment on December 31, 2010 - 07:49Hi Ancia... I Would be Glad To help You Im 20 years Old and i know how it feels... im 5'8 i have 3 kids i used to use size 12 and during my last pregnancy i started consuming a healthy nutritional meal and lost 9 dress sizes meaning i went down from a size 12 to a size 3 but maintaining myself on size 5 i have great energy and just love how i look let me know if u are interested
Olimpia submitted this comment on December 31, 2010 - 08:02My name is Lisa Smedy..
I am 35 yrs old I have recently transformed the way I ate and started going to the gym at least once a week I have noticed that even going once has helped.. I have lost 19 pounds and I have also been walking up our local mall 3 days a week.. I have also done atkins.. My question is, Is eating while your dieting a bad thing especially when your dr. tells you for your bones?
Ian, your article troubles me for one reason. "I don't have time to exercise anytime during your day". I think your biggest problem keeping you from your goal is you. You need to make your health and happiness a #1 priority. Its more important than getting 45 more minutes of homework done, or watching your dog take a crap. Try jogging with your dog, kill two birds with one stone. If you don't have 45 minutes for yourself then there is too much on your plate and you need to ajust your priorities. 45 minutes a day and a good diets is enough to see results, just stick with it for a month and you will be so excited to see your progress in the mirror. The hardest part for people is the results do not come instantly, while junk food is instant satisfaction. Use what bothers you as motivation, think about it till your mad then use that anger in a positive and take it out in excercise. Everytime you stray, remind yourself. I used my bald head as motivation and it works. good luck sir.
gary submitted this comment on December 26, 2010 - 09:54Hi Ian,
My name is Leanna. I'm in the same age group as you and I also take most of my classes online. One thing I do is take fish oil supplements which help with focus, thus getting work done faster, and it boosts metabolism, thus speeding up the weight loss. Another thing you could do is get up earlier and do ur workout before u do ur lessons, which will also help u focus more and u can lift weights while reading ur lessons. I tend to do a 2-hour workout before my schoolwork, but obviously that's a bit out-of-the-norm, so u could probably do a 30-minute workout like the bender ball or something. (trust me, that workout is a miracle-worker)
Hope that helps, good luck :)
go to nowloss.com and follow the steps to lose weight overall
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 10:25are you 64 years old or 64kg?
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 10:04Hi Gina , Im Katy . Im also 14 years old , And im about 5'3 And I Weigh 160 pds . I know how you feal . You Smaller then iam . Your realy not fat . So dont trouble yourself over it .
Katy submitted this comment on December 28, 2010 - 07:02Hey mila, your not "fat" or "overweight". what you have is baby fat.. when i was 12 i had the same problem but i did some easy work outs such as jumping rope everyday but now im 15 and that baby fat is pretty much all gone.. so i suggest you just be patient. and jump rope every now and then.
Aya submitted this comment on December 22, 2010 - 04:34Dayana: Im 15 yrs old and trust me the reason your probably not losing wieght is because you just have baby fat or fat thats suppose to be there or its lean muscle that you have. just eat healthy and if you keep excersiing then when your my age you wont need to lose weight youll b at a healthy weight.
Caity submitted this comment on December 16, 2010 - 08:55Try Fat Smash Diet. It really helps, and you will lose weight pretty fast, and will teach you eat less and healthy. Of course you will have to exercise....but it's worth it. Try it, book is not expensive...just follow the program. It was also on TV...Celebrity fit Club on VH1...and they did that diet. I lost in 3 months 20 pounds. Good luck :-)
Katka submitted this comment on December 07, 2010 - 11:26dont presure yourself because your weiht is just right for your age. But if you want to still lose weiht then just exersize about an hour a day and and eat many friuts and vegetables. Anddont belive others that say tou cant lose weiht. Have confidence in yourself!
dayana submitted this comment on December 08, 2010 - 06:41start off by simply walking, drinking LOTS of water, and instead of cutting any specific foods out, add healthier foods in. eat several times a day, but smaller portions. when we let ourselves go several hours without eating we feel like we are starving and tend to over eat. watch portions, the average american sometimes eats double and triple an actual serving at one time.
niki submitted this comment on December 11, 2010 - 12:47just eat healthy and run. From doing so i lost 21 pounds in a month. I just eat supper healthy like only veggies,fruits,and grilled chicken and run 2 too 3 miles a day
shelb submitted this comment on December 23, 2010 - 11:58Hey man, You might not believe me, but exercise is not a good way to lose weight, because we tend to eat more as we work out more. If you want to lose weight eat less, although exercise is great for building a tight firm body that's all the rage, you will never lose the weight if you continue to eat a the same amount, so google "calorie calculator" there are a couple types go to freedieting.com. word of advice find small snacks like hard boiled eggs, string cheese, gogurt, exc (it makes it easier to count).
aaron submitted this comment on December 01, 2010 - 09:44dont set your goals too high, make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. if you have the energy and motivation you could do a more extensive workout. if you tend to give up on your workout goals try starting out simple like going for a walk. it also depends on your health. if you are a healthy teenager with no weight or health issues join sports at school or go for a jog every day. just make sure you are consistent with you workout. i would also recommend eating more. you need more calories than what you are getting. you should eat several meals a day, just watch the portions. calories are good, if they are the right kind of foods and you are getting plenty of exercise . the biggest mistake that i made when i was younger was starving my body, i was the perfect shape and size, i was actually very pretty. but when i looked in the mirror, i saw a fatso.(5'5 110 lbs hourglass shap, with a cute little butt) lol i did a lot of damage to my body and lost weight using some very unhealthy methods. now i regret putting my body through so much stress. if i would have done it the healthy way and been consistent, I probably wouldnt have ended up becoming overweight when i became pregnant which led to some other issues and so on. Talk to your doctor about losing the weight, if he or she thinks you should lose a few pound then they can advise you on how to go about doing so. God bless
niki submitted this comment on December 11, 2010 - 01:20running uses alot of leg muscles and uses alot of oxeygen so running :) would be good for you
michael submitted this comment on December 01, 2010 - 02:21count those calories, You can eat what you want just eat less. use the calorie calculator at freedieting.com to find out what amount you need. It has worked for me at 3 pounds a week
aaron submitted this comment on December 01, 2010 - 09:48I dont know what it is but I dont think your diet is the cause and you're better off asking a doctor about that
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on November 27, 2010 - 10:29good job on the diet changes!!!! i just recently did the same thing due to being diagnosed with pcos, and i feel so much better overall. just an fyi though, the best thing you can do is stick with it and be consistent, dont give it up once you reach you weight goal, it will come back!!!! you should definitely talk to a doc about your stomach pains along with your current diet plan. there are so many different opinions on the internet, who knows if the people you talk to on here really are qualified to give health advice. your doctor or a doctor would be the best person to talk to. God bless, will be praying for you with your stomach pain and health goals.
niki submitted this comment on December 11, 2010 - 01:07*** sorry 30 mins 4-5 times a week not a day
Amy submitted this comment on November 23, 2010 - 08:43you're off to a good start - just keep the ball rolling and if you need more help dont hesitate to contact me again
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on November 24, 2010 - 05:50Sounds like your on the right track, make sure your calories are manageable you should cut off a hundred
aaron submitted this comment on December 01, 2010 - 09:58awesome job!!!! you should add more fresh fruits and vegetables. i know, i know ya hear it all the time. but it is true. and when possible eat raw fruits and vegetables. white rice, white breads, and pastas are foods to avoid as much as possible. our bodies take a lot longer to break these foods down. you could switch to brown rice which is a little healthier. our rice here in america is fortified. have you ever noticed people from over seas that eat mostly rice in their country and stay small come here eating our rice and put on quite a bit of weight? we also tend to double and sometimes triple serving sizes here in america. eat more ofter 5-6 times a day but small portions. this will keep you from feeling like you are starving which then leads to overeating. calories are good if they are from healthy foods. and making sure you are burning calories and being consistent is very important. sounds like you are doing great with the treadmill. just be consistent, and stick with it! setting realistic goals is very important. if walking 4-5 times a day for 30 min at a time is hard to stick to every day, then cut back and slowly work your way up. i looked up how much you should weigh and depending on your body type, you should weigh anywhere from 123-164 lbs. i think your focus should be on just getting healthy and losing weight the healthy way, i am praying right now for your health and your success with your health goals. God bless!
niki submitted this comment on December 11, 2010 - 01:34Become white.
Bob Johnson submitted this comment on November 25, 2010 - 02:07Ummmm join a local Mixed Martial Art place, I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks going there for an hour and a half 4 days out of the week.
Matt Murray submitted this comment on November 18, 2010 - 05:21I am 14 and I weigh 120 so I am a little above average so I am trying to lose some weight. I have heard Zumba classes are a fun and fast way to lose wieght...hope it helps:)
Charlie Fudgenugget submitted this comment on November 25, 2010 - 11:51Hi Rachel! My name is Abby I'm 14 and im 5'8 aswell i weigh 168 and it really upsets me too. I have been doing exercises and a very good diet (i dont starve myself AT ALL) but i do a good diet portion size. I have lost seven ponds in the last month by going for a run once a day with situps, i also drink instant breakfist drinks 1 for breakfist and 1 for lunch with a piece of fruit. This is working well for me! If you want you should try it too! you are not overweight but like myself we both need to get in "better" shape, so we feel and look healthier. I hope i helped, it was nice to know im not the only girl that feels this way!
hey Rachel, you are not to fat for your age. I am 16 and weigh 190 pounds. I am currently trying to get down to 150. Just keep eating healthy and walking. Some good exercises for your stomach would probably be crunches and the side plank. they help with belly fat and love handles.
melissa submitted this comment on November 17, 2010 - 06:35and my age is 15
depak submitted this comment on November 06, 2010 - 03:44read this first
since your skinny you are going to need to build muscle along with some fat first before thinking about a six pack
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on November 06, 2010 - 04:31you should do zumba! the only difference ive made in the past two weeks is waking up in the morning and doing 45-55 minutes of zumba dance and i sweat my butt off! and the only other thing is that i started packing my lunch with healthy things life a turkey sandwich with lowfat cheese lots of lettuce and mustard [which is great for weight loss. taste great and makes you lose weight. BUT NO MAYNOISSE] and in the past two weeks i lost 5 pounds! that is my motivation! GOOD LUCK:D
andrea submitted this comment on November 15, 2010 - 06:03At first just eat the right foods and dont worry about calories but if you're not losing weight at a rate you like then you need to watch your calories
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on October 28, 2010 - 12:04do you mean 79kg or pounds and what is your handicap?
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on October 24, 2010 - 09:50I believe for your heighth 54 and 130 lbs - You must look like a model - why would you want to lose wt - " just eat healthy".
Check with Wt. Watchers - they cna help.
As a vegitarian your diet may be deficient is complete proteins and fat. Yes you have to eat fat to loose fat. sounds strange but if you starve your body of a particular nutrient it will try to conserve that nutrient. Include some good fats and make sure you are getting complete proteins which is difficult on a vegetarian diet. If you are not a vegan this can be accomplished with eggs and dairy products and fish.
Mark Hill submitted this comment on October 20, 2010 - 09:14you have to cheat less as you get closer to your goal so in your case the splurge may hurt 'see why here
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on October 08, 2010 - 08:04
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