Thursday, January 6, 2011

4 things other than water you can drink to lose weight faster


1. Ice cold water

You'll burn an extra 250-to-500 calories a day by drinking 8-to-10 glasses of ice cold water because...

Your body has to burn calories (or fat) in order to heat the ice cold water back up to your body temperature so basically...

You can lose up to 1 lb. a week JUST by drinking ice cold water.

A German study says drinking about 2 extra glasses of water can boost your metabolism by 30% and they figure when you drink about 1.5 liters of water a day you'll lose an extra 5 lbs a year.

2. Jillian Micahels Diuretic Drink - (Lose 5 lbs. in 7 days drinking this)

Press the play button below to see how to lose 5 lbs. in 7 days....

See how Jillian helped Marilyn lose 18 pounds in 4 weeks

3. Fat Free Milk

Milk is high in calcium and calcium can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. This doesn't mean you should go out and drink gallons of milk everyday - but adding milk to your diet in moderation can double the rate of fat you lose.

Different studies say different things on milk and weight loss... some say you can lose 30, 50, and one study even said 70% more weight than people who don't include 3-4 servings of dairy (milk) a day.

4. Green Tea

Studies show you can burn 35-43% more fat during the day when you drink 3-to-5 cups of green tea - See How To Make Your Own Green Tea here

5. Vegetable Juice

Drinking a glass of vegetable juice before your meals may cause you to eat 135 less calories according to a study done at Penn. state university and even if you can't make vegetable juice... Drinking a couple glasses of water before meals will also make you eat much less so you lose more weight.

6. Whey protein

Whey protein helps you release appetite suppressing hormones that curb your cravings.

In a recent study... people drank either whey or casein and 90 minutes later they were allowed to eat freely at a buffet table. The people that drank whey protein ate significantly less calories.

7. Yogurt Based Smoothies

Not only will the thickness of the smoothie kill your appetite but since Yogurt is loaded with calcium just like milk...

Researchers at the University of Tennessee found out that you can lose 61% more fat and 81% more belly fat when adding yogurt to your diet because...

The calcium in yogurt helps you burn fat and it also limits the amount of fat your body can make but...

Try to use the healthier Greek Yogurt in your smoothies along with adding some whey protein and fruit to boost your yogurt smoothies weight loss power!

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daer sara i would just like to say u r not alone my name is jazmin and im 13 yrs old and im 180 far as the food thing it is the exact samething. but on the exersize i just dont lose anything.but when u exersis dont do things like running so much just walk and to sit ups crunches ect. things working on ur upper body also lifting wieghts tht r like 2-5 pounds or perfect for us girls. i hope i can help btw i found tht if u put a cup for eveything u eat ur good to go for ex if u make rice get one cup if u put beans on it do a quarter cup meat one cup vegies on cup and so on i hope i could help sara happy holidays

jazmin submitted this comment on December 29, 2010 - 10:57

You should consult a real physician and a nutritionist :D


Dinosaur submitted this comment on January 03, 2011 - 02:53

your bodyfat % is lower and that is why you dont look "fat"

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 27, 2010 - 05:58

are you insane man you should be gaining weight.

joe submitted this comment on December 24, 2010 - 12:50

sweety what you need is get you ass up! and start working out! youre definetly not gonna get anywhere by doing shit around other than best advice get your lazy ass up and start running and swimming

chelly submitted this comment on December 18, 2010 - 10:43

go on a apple fast or on the 3 day diet

marie submitted this comment on December 05, 2010 - 05:57

Also i lost 15 lbs doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marie submitted this comment on December 05, 2010 - 05:58

kkkkkkkkk lizten watchv v av 2 dv iz 2 zacrifice everytin dat u lik ait n concentra3 on lvzing wi3gth

LVGZ submitted this comment on December 19, 2010 - 08:11

You are overweight, even if it is probably is mostly in your boobs. That's still unhealthy. You should exercise and try eating healthier meals, like go on a diet and exercise.
There's other sites you can look up for tips too.
Good luck (:

Danielle submitted this comment on November 30, 2010 - 07:45

theres is a chance you can lose weight by a month but you got to work your butt off, exerice and diet is a good way to start off with. Other then that, don't eat junk food or oily food such as pizza alot of meat, if so try to clean the oil off the pizza, it makes it so it dont have as such.

Unknown submitted this comment on November 17, 2010 - 06:49

Yes man :) its possible to lose that weight. If you just excercise, eat the right foods, and dont slack off, you will sure do it. My mom lost 20 pounds in one month! And she goes to work from 7 to 2. Im 13 right now and i weigh 135 pounds and 5'10 1/2. I was about the same size as you when i was 11, so you should be good to go. Little things can help you, if you pack your lunch, try to put veggies and fruits in it instead of potato chips. An average bag of chips is 150 calories, and if you eat that every school day, you have put on an extra 750 calories! Do you play a sport? I play football and basketball, these two sports are great ways to lose some weight. Heck, playing any sport is great to lose weight. On the weekends instead of sitting down on the couch, go take a jog or play outside! Stuff like this can help well :). Now that you know, go out and do it :)

bb submitted this comment on November 24, 2010 - 07:39

I'm 11 too and Im over weight although i dont eat alot

dida submitted this comment on November 26, 2010 - 12:16

hi i am 11 too and i am 5'3 and i wigh 103 and me and u r dealing woth the same thing i think just to drink water and play sports i am in basket ball and i have lost 7 lbs!!!!!!!just keep going like i did it worked!!!!

Joci submitted this comment on December 08, 2010 - 09:37

Exercise and healthy diet is the only way out. i have 2 younger kids too. we have to make time for ourselves, i wake up at 5.30 in the morning and workout.

rach submitted this comment on November 24, 2010 - 02:20

I was in the same situtation a few years back and I stopped drinking all soda drinks and everytime I had a break from work I walked around the building. I lost 40 lbs within the first few months without even really working out. I know everyone is different but worth a try. Another thing you could try is before you get out of bed do a few situps/crunches to jump start your metabolism in the morning. good luck!

rachel dee submitted this comment on December 06, 2010 - 11:22


FIRST - it is NEVER too late to loose weight. One good thing about the body it CAN be changed and worked on REGARDLESS of your age.

It takes dicipline and a good routine that suites YOU and only YOU.

snack on good things - like fruit or low in oli nuts. One thing about me is i get bard easily with the everyday fruit so i like to mix it up and adventure on new fruits; especially as the seasons change the different types of fruits tend to change as well.

exercise - i hardly have time for the gym so i bought a skipping rope and try and do this every morning and evening. You will definitely feel it but its good for the entire body.

When i get upset i like to dance (in the confinement of my room alone) but that's my way of getting over it and moving on... but you have to find what works for you and its NOT comfort eating.#

Also you have to know that you didnt put on 11stones at once neither will you loose 11 stones in a day - IT TAKES TIME!

Enjoy your life, like seriously being happy with SELF is a huge impact when loosing weight. When you have achieved something reward yourself - what do you like and get it for yourself!

Hope that helped

katherine submitted this comment on November 02, 2010 - 02:21 justin..hw r u?ruby here i got some advise for b can help..hhhhe..first..ruby don care wht other pepole say to you...yes u can doit...just doit...and show to pepole even you reached 30ts aldy but u still can loss weight...control food...the better solution..just cntrl u self from take smthng can cause it not only for loss you weight..but good for helty..can prevent from dinner dnt too late..take before 7pm...and brkfast after10am...just eat abit....take oatmail also can help you....good luck!!

justin submitted this comment on November 03, 2010 - 03:46

how many calories are you eating in total?

YES - you mayhave to do something else outside of your normal daily routine to be considered a workout because anything you do for a long time you & your body will get used to

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on October 14, 2010 - 10:47

i eat about 800 calories or less typically. im usually sorta hungry. on the weekend i often forget to eat. and during the week im always working so i dot have much time to eat. what sort of exercises should i do at home to get rid of these fatty love handles i hate?

maryrose submitted this comment on October 15, 2010 - 02:45

well if you really want a smaller healthier body you would make yourself give up junk food, you cant get anywhere unless you have the mind set of I CAN DO THIS, if you drink water the 8 cups a day or even 4 or 5 it would help your stomach alittle flatter because water has no calories so its naturally good for you, to lose weight properly change all your fried foods to grill or baked, only eat chicken,or fish or any meat EXCEPT BEEF because tend to bloat you up and it takes a longer time to digest and you really dont want that, when i lost my weight i didnt even drink much water or even excerise foreal i walk at the beach and bike ride which are two things that will tone your legs up and lunges if you do this for a week or two i promise you youll lose weight but its starts with you if you think your not going to lose weight then your not just remember that hopefully i was a great help to u good luck:)

khalia submitted this comment on October 06, 2010 - 07:24

congats on being a mom. you can eat cheap and not eat as bad as you think. you just need to know about what the worst choices are and what are the least bad choices. watch out for hygrogenated oils, hydrolized proteins, and mono sodium glutimate. there are others to look for, but those are the big three. good luck with your diet and the baby. also try walking a mile a day and drink more water.

jonathan submitted this comment on October 11, 2010 - 12:16

You are fortunate to be a guy because guys naturally have a faster metabolism than girls do. If you are really serious about losing weight, you have to change your life style. Gradually cut out fatty foods from your diet and work out in the gym. Replace soda with water and fruit juice and drink water before a meal, it fills up your stomach so you eat less. Good luck

SSS submitted this comment on November 30, 2010 - 05:52

Being gay is a sin.

You'reGross submitted this comment on November 30, 2010 - 07:53

hi maria!!! 120 pounds might not look good on you. the best thing to do when u want to lose weight is to set mini goals, like ill lose 10 pounds this month ect... first thing you should do is start replacing all those chips and cookies with healthy stuff like fruit and veggies, low fat cottage cheese with some tomato on the top is a yummy and great lunch idea, and yes you def have to get up and start moving around girl!!! start slow with maybe half hour walks (at a good rate) outside for a week and then kick it up 15 mins the next week, so on.
remember standing is better then sitting and walking or moving around is better then standing,

jasica submitted this comment on September 28, 2010 - 04:38

Hi Maria well the first step is wanting to loose the weight and you do..So you need nice healthy snacks put aside for when you feel you really need one in small baggies so u can just grab one and munch like Cheerios in a baggie 1cup /almonds 1/2 cup/stuff like that and just start by stretching every night while watching T.V or listening to radio.for 45 min and take a 1/2 hour walk fast paced every day and when you eat a meal eat only 1/2 of what you would at a sitting. I wish u the best so go on and get started I believe you are going to do wishes Andrea

Andrea submitted this comment on October 05, 2010 - 02:15

oh yeah thats possible!!! you got to watch your calories, kick it back to 1200 cals a day and aim to workout at least 5 days a week, keep ur head up and ur dreams in your sight

jasica submitted this comment on September 28, 2010 - 04:39

hey i'm a mother of 3kids my last 2 where back to back and i can not lose the weight i try every thing and thing has work .my baby will be 1this month and i like i'm having another baby i just want to lose the weight i hate being fast so can you help me lindsay kirby

lindsay kirby submitted this comment on September 13, 2010 - 03:56

Not really...

for the last 10 pounds you just need to workout smarter to get off those last 10 but any fat burner that has caffiene/ green tea in will help you with energy to burn more fat while working out

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on September 10, 2010 - 06:02

#1 - how many total calories are you eating a day? - that's the main question

#2 - with only 3 times a week to workout - you need to do something more intense in a short period of time like one of these home workouts

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on September 09, 2010 - 11:27

i really dont think thats possible in 4 months not realistically, dont focus on the huge goal make mini goals, like 10 lbs a month. you need to eat 1500 cals a day and workout for at least 45 mins 5 days a week. keep going girl dont give up

jasica submitted this comment on September 28, 2010 - 04:43


If I showed you a chart that says your face is ugly, would you believe it? Worry about it if one day you find that you gave up water polo for video games, gain 300 pounds, and think a daily shower is a waste of your time.

I'm sure you look beautiful and have no need to worry about anything.



Larrry submitted this comment on September 03, 2010 - 01:00

since you already lost 20 I dont honestly think I cna help you lose 35 pounds in a month and KEEP IT OFF but first tell me how you lose your first 20 so i can help you better and how tall are you?

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on August 23, 2010 - 09:01

I'm 5'2 but closer to 5'3. I lost the first 20 pounds by going to the gym and exercising, cardio and weight trainging.

ashley submitted this comment on August 31, 2010 - 07:46

thank you so much! and i do realize that i won't be able to lose 35 in a month, but for halloween I'm aiming to be near 155 at least. thanks again for the help, much appreciated!!!

ashley submitted this comment on September 01, 2010 - 01:46


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