To mark the start of the new year, thousands of Australian women give fad diets a go to try and shift unwanted Christmas kilos. But according to dietitians, fad diets are not only unhealthy, but often dangerous.
According to the Dietitians Association of Australia, there are plenty of fad diets to choose from: lemon detox, Atkins, cabbage soup. But the 'best' diet is one that is sustainable, flexible and results in long-term weight loss.
Associate Professor Tim Crowe, from the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University, said many fad dieters diet themselves fatter over time.
'People who go on gimmicky quick-fix diets often regain the weight quickly and many end up heavier than they were to start with. Fad diets are a sure path to disappointment, so avoid them like the plague,' said Associate Professor Crowe, an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
Associate Professor Crowe said a large US study, which began in 1994, has been tracking the success of more than 5,000 people who have lost at least 13kg and kept it off for more than 12 months1.
In this study, traits of successful weight losers include reducing fat intake, eating breakfast every day, weighting in at least weekly, limiting television time to less than 10 hours per week, and exercising for around an hour each day.
'Losing weight is 'easy' compared with keeping it off long-term. So get expert advice and the right support to give yourself the best chance of sticking to your weight loss goals,' said Associate Professor Crowe.
Associate Professor Crowe said common short-tem problems with fad diets include constipation, bad breath and fatigue, and longer term, some fad diets can be harmful to heart health.
He said Australia's Healthy Weight Week (January 23 to 30), which falls after the holiday period, is an ideal time to start eating well and commit to a healthy weight for the long haul.
'If you're carrying too much weight, shedding a few kilograms will make a huge difference to your health, and will boost your energy levels. Studies show that dropping 5-10 per cent in body weight can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes,' said Associate Professor Crowe.
Associate Professor Crowe's tips for spotting a fad diet:
- Promotes or bans certain foods or food groups
- Pushes a 'one-size-fits-all' approach
- Promises quick, dramatic or miraculous results
- Focuses on short-term changes to eating and exercise habits
- Encourages 'miracle' pills, potions or supplements - often promoted as 'fat burners' and 'metabolism boosters'
- Contradicts the advice of trusted health professionals
- Makes claims based on a single study or testimonials.
- Australia's report card on weight is one of the worst in the world, with 61 per cent of Australian adults and 25 per cent of children overweight or obese.
- Eighty eight per cent of Australians who are trying to lose weight are not getting expert dietary advice from a dietitian2. And almost one in five Australians (16%) who are trying to lose weight follow a potentially dangerous diet from a book or magazine.
- According to IBIS World research, in 2010-11, Australians will spend around $789 million on counselling services, low-calorie foods and shakes, diet cookbooks, weight loss guides, dietary supplements and even surgery in a quest to slim down3.
About Australia's Healthy Weight Week
Australia's Healthy Weight Week (AHWW) is an initiative of the Dietitians Association of Australia and is running from 23-30 January 2011. The theme is 'Live your life: Weight matters'.
AHWW encourages Australians to get the right support for weight management. And when it comes to nutrition, an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) can tailor an eating plan to an individual's lifestyle, and support and motivate them to make changes for life.
1. US National Weight Control Registry. Available here.
2. Newspoll: 'The Australia's Healthy Weight Week Report', commissioned by the Dietitians Association of Australia. The Newspoll telephone survey was conducted nationally from 3-5 December among 1,200 respondents aged 18 years and over.
3. IBIS World. Weight loss centres in Australia - Australian Industry Report. Available here.
Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)

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