To quickly get rid of your pot belly or pooch... You got to work on your weak TVA muscles and not your abs or "6-pack".
Your TVA or TransVerseAbdomiuns muscles are located behind your 6 pack.
The reason why people have flat midsections is NOT because they have strong abs (or a strong rectus abdominus or "6-pack")...
And your TVA muscles don't have to be super strong... You just have to exercise them every so often to keep your tummy flat.
Over time... a combination of you losing strength in your TVA muscles and a gain of fat around your midsection leads to a pot belly or pooch.
Exercising your TVA is easy. All you have to do is ...
Place one of your fingers on your belly button Without taking in a deep breath. Try to move your belly button inward as far away from your finger as you can. (Basically all you're doing is holding in your stomach while breathing normally) Hold your belly button in for 5 seconds working your way up to a minute or...Instead of increasing the time... You can try to draw in your belly button further away from your finger. Click the play button on the video above to see how To flatten your abs and...Place your finger 3 inches below your belly button and pull your lower belly in as far away from your finger as you can ... Click the play button on the video above to see how To flatten your lower abs
An Even faster way to get flat abs using a piece of string ... Place one of your fingers on your belly button Without taking in a deep breath. Move your belly button inward just a little bit from your finger but not as far away as you did in the first TVA exercise - Tie a piece of string (or rope) not too tightly around your midsection. Every time you relax your TVA muscles... the rope will tighten up around your waist reminding you to tighten your TVA muscles. You can do this exercise all day long if you want to. You can do it at work, home, or at the mall... It doesn't matter and people won't know you're exercising because they wont see the rope tied around your belly under your shirt. And Everyday If you can stand it... Keep moving your belly button in a little further. Click the play button on the video above to see how this is will work but only fat loss will truly get rid of the pooch
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 29, 2010 - 08:56it doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong - the shoulder thing is not uncommon
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on November 24, 2010 - 06:10not exactly
read this
fat burning exercises will give you a flat stomach.
toning exercises wont help much
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on November 18, 2010 - 02:27this will home your stomach get flatter
but for a flat stomach - you need to lose belly fat and you'll lose that depending on how overweight you are
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on October 29, 2010 - 10:00other women like you have told me that this has worked wonders for them
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on May 30, 2010 - 07:12just like there is no spot reduce - there is no spot gain and belly fat or any fat gain is a part of gaining weight.
your best chance is to gain weight (muscle) and then burn of the ugly fat afterwards
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on May 22, 2010 - 06:23actually that's my dilemma, cuz i've been trying to gain weight but at the same time trying to lose weight on my belly ..any advise?
it's always normal to experience soreness when first doing an exercise
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on April 28, 2010 - 04:29these exercises work pretty quickly.
if you still have a poch then you may have some belly fat you still need to lose or your belly could be bloated.
what's your weight and height?
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on March 09, 2010 - 07:58I'm 6'1" and 12st (168lbs). There is a little fat, I'm currently at 18% body fat but that's not the problem. I've had a pooch belly for as long as I can remember, even at age 3! I make sure to draw in the belly for all exercises and keep it in all day at work and even at home watching tv!
rich submitted this comment on March 10, 2010 - 08:40if you're 18% fAt then YES... - fat is the problem.
You may have stronger tva muscles but until you lose more fat or get it under 10% then you'll have a flat stomach and six pack
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on March 10, 2010 - 09:14So the fat stops the tva from getting as strong as it could be? I must say though, thanks for your speedy replies!
rich submitted this comment on March 11, 2010 - 03:07no
your tva muscles are stronger meaning your belly is flatter but to make it really flat...
you still need to lose that last bit of fat and usually..
if it's just a little bit of fat - Lose it by going here
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on March 11, 2010 - 10:14YEs
you can easily do this with proper diet, exercise and along with TVA exercises
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on March 04, 2010 - 06:20NO
Losing bodyfat rules!
Doing TVA and ab exercises are usually not the culprits for not seeing abs.
It's usually your body fat - think out this...
How many young skiiny boys or teens have you seen (that never workout) have six packs?
They all do because they are still young and have not accumlated lots of body fat yet
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on February 04, 2010 - 09:03Just a reminder and dont tie it tight!
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 24, 2010 - 07:21I can't really comment or help due to lack of experience in that area and all Ican say is...
Some women have told me this does help but either way...
I would still seek help from a medical professional or someone who knows better than me about your situation
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 21, 2010 - 07:50YES but
also believe in yourself
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 15, 2010 - 10:02Yes - this will make your stomach look flatter but you have an issue with bloating so..
Avoid too much salt, drink more water, eat a balance of carbs, protiens and fats and NOT mainly carbs
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 07, 2010 - 06:38you will see results right away but it wont help you lose belly fat - it'll only make your belly flatter
go here to lose belly fat
Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 04, 2010 - 12:00
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