Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to build your perfect dream body (for women)


You need to eat 1200-to-1800 calories a day so...You need to eat THREE 400-to-600 calorie or... FOUR 300-to-450 calorie or... FIVE 240-to-360 calorie meals a day and...Here's a list of foods you CAN eat & here's a list of foods NOT to eat while you're getting the perfect body and...Make sure all of your meals have at least 1 source of carbs & 1 source of protein so basically… Don't ever eat a meal that is ALL carbs or ALL protein (go here to see why) and...Drink at least 1 liter of Ice cold water every day to speed up fat loss, flush out excess water weight and to prevent bloating for a flatter stomach and...On Monday Mornings...

You're going to do this arm workout here and then... You're going to do a 20-to-40 minute fat loss workout and here’s some examples of the workouts you can do... Right after you finish your fat loss workout you need to immediately do another 10-to-30 minute cardio workout at a moderate intensity so whatever you do for 10-to-30 minutes... You don't want it to be TOO HARD or TOO FAST and You definitely don't want it to be TOO EASY or TOO slow so...On a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being VERY hard... You want to be at a 5-to-7 so for example...You can walk, jog, ride a bike, use an elliptical or swim at a moderate pace for 10-to-30 minutes and...On Monday Evenings...

You can...

On Tuesday Mornings...

Do this 4 minute Ab workout 1-to-3 times in a row resting 2 minutes between each time you do it and... Click the play button to start the 4min ab workout video and/or Click here to get the free DVD)

If you don't want to do the 4 minute ab workout above... Do 3-to-6 sets of 8-to-20 reps of JUST ONE of these ab exercises here to get a tighter stomach...

Do A fat loss workout for 20-to-40 minutes (click here to see all the fat loss workouts) and then...Right after you finish your fat loss workout you need to immediately do another 10-to-30 minute cardio workout at a moderate intensity so on a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being VERY hard... You want to be at a 5-to-7 intensity for your cardio workout and...On Tuesday Evenings...

You do the same workout you did Tuesday Morning except that if you want to...You can do a 45-to-90 minute lower-to-moderate intensity weight loss activity instead of the high intensity fat burning workout and...On Wednesdays...

You can take the day off to rest OR...You can do a lower intensity 45-to-90 minute cardio workout in the Morning and/or evenings like a light walk or an easy bike ride and...DO NOT do any interval workouts or body sculpting workouts so your body can rest & recover from these tough workouts and...

If you feel like you can do another interval workout on Wed. & the weekends then you're probably not putting in enough effort when you're doing your fat loss workouts on Mon, Tues, Thur & Friday to burn fat fast so if you want to get the perfect body...

Your fat loss workouts need to be so tough that you won't even dare do them on Wed. & the weekends and to make your fat loss workouts tougher...

Do your workouts longer (but no longer than 40 minutes) and/or...Do your workouts faster or harder (ex. Run faster) and/or...Make your workouts more intense (ex. Use heavier weights when doing the get ripped in 10 min workout or wear a weight vest while running) and/or...Do a different fat loss workout (ex. Do intervals on a bike instead of treadmill) and... On Thursday Mornings...

You're going to do this workout here for firmer breast & better posture and then... You'll do a fat loss workout for 20-to-40 minutes (click here to see
all the fat loss workouts) and then...Right after you finish your fat loss workout you need to immediately do another 10-to-30 minute cardio workout at a moderate intensity so on a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being VERY hard... You want to be at a 5-to-7 intensity for your cardio workout and...On Thursday Evenings...

You can...

On Friday Mornings...

You're going to do ONE of these 3 butt, hip & thigh workouts...You'll do a fat loss workout for 20-to-40 minutes (click here to see all the fat loss workouts) and then...Right after you finish your fat loss workout you need to immediately do another 10-to-30 minute cardio workout at a moderate intensity so on a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being VERY hard... You want to be at a 5-to-7 intensity for your cardio workout and...On Friday Evenings...

You can...

On Saturdays & Sundays...

You do the same thing you did on Wednesday which is...

Take the day off to rest OR...Do a lower intensity 45-to-90 minute cardio workout like a light walk or an easy bike ride in the Morning and/or evenings and...

1. Get Focused by...

2. Beat your last fat loss workout by...

The fastest way to get a perfect body is to keep beating your last workout by pushing yourself more & more each time even if it's only by an inch!

3. Make sure you eat between 1200-to-1800 calories a day &...

Don't eat the same exact number of calories for too many days in a row to prevent your body's metabolism from getting used to how many calories you eat and to get a perfect body faster...

Try eating closer to 1200-to-1500 calories a day on Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays which are the days you are not very active and...Try eating closer to 1500-to-1800 calories the other days when you are very active but...If you got less than 20 pounds left to lose you should eat under 1500 calories to keep on losing fat and...

4. Make sure you're not eating TOO Much or TOO Little carbs...

If you make sure all of your meals have at least 1 complex carb & 1 lean protein in them then you should be getting enough carbs, proteins and fats to get a perfect body but...

You want to make sure 30-to-40% of your diet is protein and... You want to make sure 40-to-60% of your diet is carbs and... Make sure that no more than 20% of your diet is from good fats but...A good starting point is for you to eat 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fats and...You can use this carb, protein and fat calculator here by typing in 1200-to-1800 calories to see the exact number of carbs, proteins and fats you need to get the perfect body.

do the plan on this page and your problems will be solved

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 05, 2011 - 08:37

Please look at the troubleshooting tips for your answer

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on January 02, 2011 - 11:29

you can use this plan here if you like

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 31, 2010 - 09:48

the only way to do that is to lose weight (or lose fat)

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 29, 2010 - 07:24

It depends?

if you are REALLY overweight then you should focus more on weight loss and worry less about toning but if...

you are within 20 pounds of your goal then this plan would probably be better

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 29, 2010 - 09:10

you cant pinpoint where you will lose weight

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 10:27

Would this plan work better than the one on this page??? Or both work the same?

Olivia submitted this comment on December 28, 2010 - 06:55

same as for fat loss but the one I linked you to is for busy people like you.

If you are busy you may not have time to do this plan on this page but this plan is for fat loss and toning (body sculpting)

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 28, 2010 - 10:31

the customized plan you need is on this page... let me know if there is anything you need changed to fit your needs but overall...

this plan will do the job for you

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 11:49

doing this plan will help you lose weight and ultimately make your breast smaller

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 11:48

morning before breakfast is best time to workout to burn fat but being that you are already skinny I dont see too much of any more fat you can lose

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 25, 2010 - 11:47

i'm not fat, but i want to be really skinny. My legs are really muscular how do i slim them down, especially my calves? when i flex them i can see a huge muscle bulging.

hannah submitted this comment on December 30, 2010 - 02:32

you will get hips on this plan but for you i think it's best for you to do this plan here to focus on weight loss first

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 22, 2010 - 09:22

your help is on this page - just read it!

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 21, 2010 - 08:42

expect to lose 10 pounds every 4-6 weeks

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 19, 2010 - 09:47

it will still work for you.

Just don't expect to "SEE" any toning results until as you lose fat

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 18, 2010 - 07:25

Smaller waist = losing belly fat which equals = diet & cardio/intervals

Wider hips & legs = butt exercises

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 18, 2010 - 07:21

what about the workout you see on this page?

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 16, 2010 - 08:31

Go here to free dvd since your internet is slow

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 15, 2010 - 05:46

Flirty girl links were not working for some reason.

The circuit training is more for toning.

The dance DVD may count (they'll all burn fat for you) it's just that the walking and yoga ARE NOT high intensity fat burners

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 15, 2010 - 05:44

what is your weight and height plus what have you tried to reduce last 20 pounds?

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 13, 2010 - 08:57

Follow the instructions on this page for your answwer

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 13, 2010 - 08:58

Follow the plan on this page

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 13, 2010 - 08:57

yes and I'm sorry about that

just request another free dvd

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 10, 2010 - 07:06

this plan will help you lose 40 pounds

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 09, 2010 - 09:25

I want to loose 25 pounds. please advise?

Qudsia submitted this comment on December 11, 2010 - 01:58

use this page to help you lose 35 pounds

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 12, 2010 - 04:57

did you read the stuff on this page?

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 09, 2010 - 09:22

In my opinion yoga is not enough and as a matter of fact i think it's only good for stress reilef or relaxation

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 08, 2010 - 11:14

your answer is on this page - start at the top and keep reading(DO NOT SKIM!!)

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 08, 2010 - 07:29

what is your weight and height now?

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 05, 2010 - 06:09

this plan is good for long term results

Adrian Bryant submitted this comment on December 05, 2010 - 06:09


View the original article here

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